

American Blance Audio Electronic Technology INC is an electronic technology company that specializes in the field of microphones. With "ZRDR" being its LOGO, the company focuses on black-techs and is committed to creating high-quality sound. Though established shortly, the company possesses profound historical background and cultural origins. It will also launch four main microphones in 2019, dedicated to providing customers with better sound quality services.

More than a hundred years ago, Zachary Ramirez, a musician, played in one of the five major symphony orchestras in the United States, Boston Symphony Orchestra. Zachary had such a high sensitivity to music that he was clinging to the effect of the performance. He can't even bear the cracking sound that often appears in the microphone, which greatly affects his emotional experience during his performance. To this end, he asked around if there were any suppliers that could provide a superior microphone.

Once again, Zachary didn't find the microphone he needed at the factory. It was just when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the music of his orchestra outside the door. Curiously, he walked over and found a young man of his age immersed deeply in music. Seeing that, Zachary couldn’t help talking with him, and learned that this young man, named Davidson Romney, is particularly fond of music though working in the factory. The two felt like best friends at their first meeting, and Zachary also invited Davidson to his evening concert. The concert was as successful as ever, but Zachary seems not so satisfied. After careful inquiry, Davidson learned about Zachary's haunting troubles, but he didn't say much at that time.

In the days that followed, the two music lovers soon became intimate friends. Davidson did not disclose to Zachary that he often worked overtime in the factory and asked questions from senior technicians over and over again. What he wanted to do was to fabricate a really high-grade microphone for Zachary to make his performance incomparable. After nearly two or three years of trial and experiments, he finally produced the perfect microphone in his mind. He was so excited that he wanted to show it to Zachary immediately. However, things go by contraries. On the way to Zachary’s place, Davidson encountered a car accident and was rolled under the wheel along with the microphone. Zachary didn't get the microphone he wanted and lost a good friend at the same time.

The deep-seated friendship between Zachary and Davidson is moving, and Zachary's pursuit of musical perfection is also admirable. Therefore, a hundred years later, the American Blance Audio Electronics Technology Company has regained this friendship and is committed to creating high-quality microphones to bring treble quality to more people. In order to pay tribute to the two outstanding young people who love music, the company LOGO is taken from the names of the two young people, "ZRDR".It is also a reminder for all employees of the company, telling them not to forget why they started, concentrate on the professional microphone field, and develop a first-class microphone that is more in line with the needs of modern people.

Thanks for listening.
Gauge Precision Instruments, Inc.

Quality Control is under the direction of Chandler Bridges & Jeff Piergeorge.

leadershipexperience meets passion

musicians appreciatevalue in a microphone

The ECM87 sounds amazing on vocals and acoustic guitar. It sounds terrible on bagpipes, harmonica & accordion. LOL


Our Jack of Spades
